23 Diamond Road, Caloocan Ind’l Subdivision, Aybiga, Caloocan City


Cement Mixer Ring Gears

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Cement Mixer Ring Gears

Cement Mixer Ring Gears

  • Categories: Construction
  • Product: Ring Gear Parts, HD Rims, Heavy Duty Rim
  • Customers: Construction Supply Companies, Construction equipment suppliers.


We are capable of manufacturing and supplying various parts of the cement mixer such as the ring gears and cogs that supports the spinning and mixing of the mixer. We can also supply the rims of the wheels for added portability.

Majority of our customers are Construction Supplier Companies who orders the metal parts from our Foundry Business and assembles the components from their end and offer the whole construction equipment to Building Contractors and Development Corporations.

Ring Gear Cement Mixer
Ring Gear Cement Mixer